Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Entertainment Factor

Even CWU grads get to a point in their lives where get-togethers with drinking games as the primary method of entertainment get a little old.  So this summer Willy decided to make our very own set of Washoe Boards. For those of you who don’t know what the heck I’m talking about, here is a link to some background and the general rules. The concept is pretty similar to horseshoes, but we can take it from house to house and not dig holes in the middle of the yard.
There are quite lot of variations to the game, and I’m not quite sure where Willy got the directions he used to build our board but here is what I CAN tell you. He constructed the base of the boards using 1” particle board and cut 3” holes in the center. For the surface of the boards we used green Astroturf – mostly because it is fairly weather resistant. We cut it to size, wrapped it around the bottom and took the staple gun to it. To tell the two teams’ washers apart, we had to spray paint them different colors. So what colors did we choose? Why purple and gold of course (Go Dawgs!)
The game has been a pretty good hit this summer. We played on 4th of July, at our summer BBQ and even brought it camping. I have yet to master an effective toss – the washers just bounce all over when I throw them. Willy is much better at it than I am. Here is a great example of washoes stance demonstrated by Wadz. Just let us know if you want to come over and play!

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